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Tuesday, 11 June 2019

C++ Programming || All Programs of C++ ☺

C++ Programming
In this post you Find All Programs of C++ programming.

1. Write a Program (WAP) in C++ to print "Hello World".

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2. WAP in C++ to read two numbers from keyboard (User Input) and perform addition, Subtraction, multiplication & division using assignment operator.

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3. WAP in C++ to read two numbers from keyboard (User Input) and exchanging value of two variable(Swapping).

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4. WAP in C++ to read two numbers from keyboard (User Input) and calculate area of triangle.

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5. WAP in C++ to read two numbers from keyboard (User Input) to know a character is vowel or Consonant.

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6. WAP in C++ to read two numbers from keyboard (User Input) to check Character is alphabet or not.

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7. WAP in C++ to read two numbers from keyboard (User Input)to find ASCII value of character.

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